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Toshiba injection molding machine energy-saving insulation sleeve 8 Advantages

Time:2013/6/22 11:56:43   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Source billion injection molding machine insulation kits, molding machine energy-saving heat shield to become the new darling of the Toshiba injection molding machines, injection molding machines billion Source insulation kits, molding machine energy shrouds bring significant benefits for the injection molding business.

    Product advantages are as follows:

1, the thermal efficiency of more than 80%, a substantial energy savings of 15% -40%
2, significantly reduce the ambient temperature of the workshop
3, rapid heating, precise temperature control
4, can be a long work in harsh environments
5, the surface can be touched by hand, the surface temperature of 60 degrees
6, security to avoid name conventional heating utilities to insecurity
7, winter can make plastic injection molding machine uniform and stable.
8 injection molding machines fever ring and extend service life of relays to overcome the additional loss, reduce the heat and fever ring ring heating time relays frequent starting, effectively extending the life of both. After transformation, can directly reduce the room temperature, the working environment to improve the workshop, the heating cylinder leakage of heat to the space to be recovered, so that the plastic at the appropriate temperature accelerated melt, improve production efficiency, reduce production costs directly.

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