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Kilowatt, the dark night of hope - injection molding machine insulation cover

Time:2013/6/22 10:14:49   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Plastic Injection Barrel Blankets 
Product features: 

1. Save the electric energy 20% - 40% at the electric heating coil Reduce the injection barrel surface temperature up to 57 degrees Celsius ( 135 F ). 

2. Improve the high precision injection quality by isolating the affects from environment temperature change and the wind influence. It has the function of temperature stabilization. 

3. Sew by imported high temperature environmental friendly material, not the asbestos insulation materials. 

4. Easy to disassembly and maintenance. 

5. Reduce the temperature of injection workshops. Improve the employees' working environment. 

6. Six months ROI (return-on-investment) with higher returns.

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