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Injection molding machinery to transform to install insulation hood What are the benefits?

Time:2013/6/6 11:03:51   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Plastic injection molding machine is the industry's main production equipment, energy waste. Because electricity is expensive, the cost of electricity production in the enterprise accounts for a sizeable proportion of enterprises has become a serious affect production efficiency an important factor. With the increasing competition in the market, companies are taking a variety of energy-saving measures to reduce production costs in order to increase competition in the market, according to the model of the user's injection molding machines, screw, tube power its tailored, injection machine insulation cover, barrel insulation sleeve, insulation of exhaust pipes and so on. Lower tube by heating the surface temperature distribution of the control to reduce the heat from the frequent heating machine and power consumption of the device for all injection molding machine specifications.
     Convenient and easy installation process, by the majority of the plastic industry enterprises welcome, both to respond to the country's energy conservation, energy saving call, also brought considerable economic benefits. Product is beautiful and durable, energy saving and environmental protection, according to different injection products, energy-saving rate of 15% -40%. All payback time of 6-12 months. Is the enterprise energy-saving injection molding machines, injection molding saving reconstruction of the best the best products.

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