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Shanghai product key vertical injection molding machine two panels of direct pressure injection molding machine presses to create new heights

Time:2013/6/3 1:23:36   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Shanghai product key vertical injection molding machine two panels of direct pressure injection molding machine presses to create new heights

With the plastics processing industry in China's rapid development, the market demand for the injection molding machine is also growing, and the current precision injection molding machine is mainly foreign brands, extrusion equipment in the biaxially oriented PET film unit, precision medical tubing extrusion the unit, also has been the domain of foreign companies. Therefore, the development can import substitution, with independent intellectual property rights of domestic precision injection molding and extrusion equipment is imminent.

Our independent research and development of two direct compression plate injection molding machine. Owns a patent, six national patents.

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