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Injection molding industry barrel insulation cover with the

Time:2013/6/3 0:36:45   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Source billion thermal insulation blankets vest to begin production in 2000. Used in industrial applications require insulation or insulation, high-temperature furnace shell, injection molding industry barrel insulation cover, hopper dryer barrel body insulation, chemical barrels insulation, insulation or insulation extends to the needs of industrial fluid pipes. Insulated vest, insulation blankets in these applications are very significant and puzzling energy use, and the result is very satisfactory, this application brings a new industrial energy efficiency revolution.
Injection molding industry in China has a long history, injection molding machine insulation hood vest style unique design, using high-quality materials, to improve the environment and save energy injection have achieved satisfactory results, achieved recognition throughout the industry, and in the international on a recognized and popular.
Other industrial applications have also made significant effects, pipe insulation, heat insulation, barrel heat insulation. . .

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