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Injection molding machine insulation cover definitions, purposes and requirements

Time:2013/12/11 22:15:34   From::本站   Editer:yybwz   

Injection molding machine insulation cover definitions:
Injection molding machine insulation cover is loaded on the energy-saving injection molding machine screw heater parts, which cover energy-saving insulation coated on the surface of the heater and its good thermal insulation effect. Frequent heating can prevent heating coil can effectively maintain stiffening ring, and screw barrel aging, enhance the overall service life of machinery, which play energy savings.
Injection molding machine insulation cover uses:
Saving plastic machinery, pipe insulation, equipment insulation
Injection molding machine insulation cover requirements:
Flexible removable fasteners, sewing fine, insulation materials, insulation materials meet equipment requirements.

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