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Accurate measurement and precision injection molding machine sewing saving insulation cover technical test

Time:2013/9/22 10:38:53   From::本站   Editer:YIYUAN   

Energy-saving insulation cover production requirements according to the degree of temperature and insulation materials, the degree of the decision, what temperature, what kind of installation temperature requirements of high temperature insulation wool and imported nano fabric, choose high-temperature car seams system, the thickness of insulation shield insulated key, if the surface temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, the thickness of the heat shield, there are strict requirements, insulation cover is injection molding machine injection molding machine according to the custom of the barrel temperature, injection the resin temperature is generally not more than 400 degrees, high temperature materials, such as plastic: LCP, PA6, PA66, 9T and so on. We at the maximum temperature is 450 degrees molding injection molding machine insulation kits to design it, injection temperature below 200 degrees can design a class, probably in the injection molding industry, injection molding machine insulation can be divided into two sets, both with a 200 degrees kind of material, the surface temperature of 40 degrees to ensure, inside the shrouds to be considered high temperature cloth imported nm thickness. Dryer hood insulation is relatively simple, only need to know the temperature of drying material, insulation resistance, very high temperatures without backing, because there is no direct contact with the surface of the heater, dryer insulation kits only need to ask sewing standard size, easy to install can, pipe insulation sleeve is also attention to the temperature and insulation requirements, the surface temperature of the extruder insulation cover most of the companies are no specific requirements, energy demand will be some more, energy saving insulation kits for extruders is the best way out, most of the extrusion companies pay more attention to electricity expenditure, with the heater insulation kits before and after comparison is easy to draw benefits after installation, measurement and precision stitching make insulation kits for energy companies had is the technical test.

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