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Source billion injection molding machine market transformation of energy-saving insulation sleeve case

Time:2013/8/30 16:33:43   From::本站   Editer:YIYUAN   

Source billion injection molding machine market transformation of energy-saving insulation sleeve case

Injection molding machine energy-saving insulation sleeve Market Case: After testing, data are as follows: * CH 168 models of injection molding machines, raw materials for ABS. Original machine heating power 14.5KW, before installation actual consumption 45 kWh / day, equipment, installation of energy-saving insulation hood molding machine after actual consumption is 28 degrees, the saving rate of 38% * extruder specifications for 250 , raw materials for ABS. Original machine heating power is 22KW, before installation actual consumption of 144 kWh / day, equipment, installation of energy-saving injection molding machine insulation cover sleeve after actual consumption is 79 degrees, the saving rate of 45%

Actual showed that: such as the production of heat absorbed during the machine 5 + 1 + barrel heat loss in the surface heat loss ≈ 4 == heat generated in the production process 4 + heater heat input

Installing insulation sleeve after molding machine energy absorbed during the production of the heat loss in the machine 5 + 1 + barrel surface of the heat heat loss ≈ 1 == heat generated in the production process 4 + heater 3 heat input is in sharp contrast to the heating the heat input reduced by half, which is installing energy-saving insulation injection molding machine sets benefits.

Return: injection molding machine energy-saving insulation sleeve in normal use at least five years. In CH 168 models, for example: Hourly Province 0.85 kWh. Machine 20 hours a day, 25 days a month. An electricity bill according to the current market price 0.7 / 1 kWh of electricity. Economic returns calculated: 0.85 degrees * 20:00 * 25 days = 425 degrees * 0.7 yuan ≈ 300 元 such huge returns in a short period of four months to recover investment, enjoy the return of more than 5 years.

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