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What are the characteristics insulated vest

Time:2013/8/1 15:43:22   From::本站   Editer:admin   

What are the characteristics insulated vest?

First, the design basis
1, the installation insulated vest, its surface temperature dropped to about 40 ℃.
2, to facilitate equipment maintenance, feeding tube insulation cover can be realized simplified removal and re-installation, does not affect performance, reduce manpower burden.
3, heat developed in Japan using Hewin 1260 degree temperature insulation panels with American-made high-temperature, environmentally friendly food grade ceramic fiber insulation materials, can meet the new requirements for the EU's environmental standards.
Second, product characteristics
1. Effective insulation resistance, high temperature (temperature 1280 ℃, low temperature -50 ℃)
2. Physical and chemical stability, resistance to various chemical corrosion; moth, mildew.
3. Fire retardant (fire class A - non-combustible, GB8624-2006, German standard DIN4102, A1 grade)
Aging resistance, weather resistance (201 # shape ten years warranty; supplies: cotton insulation replaced after 3 years)
4 waterproof, anti-oil: good hydrophobic properties, anti-oil.
Third, the product features:
1 insulation effect is good.
2 easy disassembly, easy to install, easy maintenance. (Physical type> does not change the structure of the original machine and the circuit)
3. Can be used repeatedly, long service life. (Can be accelerated cooling, refueling efficiency 35%)
4. Overall, high strength, easy to bend to prevent the collision injuries.
5. Tailored according to insulation parts, processing non-standard products.
6. Product adaptation: for different temperatures, different shapes of injection molding machine insulation tube position.
7. Environmental protection, pollution: completely harmless to humans and the environment. (No radiation, no waves, no heat radiation)
8. Pretty neat appearance of the product, the surface can be scrubbed.
9. Improve the thermal environment, to prevent burn injuries.
Fourth, the performance indicators:
1. Thermal conductivity: 0.027W / M • K-0.039 W / M • K ± 0.005 (room temperature GB is 0.05W / M • K or less, generally brands are 0.035W / M • K-0.045W / M • K ).
(2) high temperature resistance: high temperature of about 1280 ℃, low temperature -50 ℃.
3 Flame retardant: flammable, temperature can play a stabilizing role, helping to ensure the quality of high-precision injection molding.
4 Density :128-144Kg / m3.
5. Insulation thickness 4CM ~ 8CM.
6. CO2 emissions reduction per year per 3000kg-5000kg. .
7 good insulation; thermal conduction, convection and good.
8 thermal windows can be opened or install exhaust fans, enhance the efficiency of retooling refueling.

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