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Injection molding machine after installing energy-saving insulation cover what changes?

Time:2013/7/16 22:56:27   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Injection molding machine after installing energy-saving insulation cover what changes?

The advantage of course is energy-saving products energy saving in the production of plastic products, temperature is an important factor in shaping the product, so to ensure product quality, we must ensure that the temperature inside the used injection molding, injection molding confidential if the temperature continued to maintain appropriate and requires continuous supply of energy, in this point of view it will increase production costs, it is necessary to strengthen the thermal effect related to the life of the installation of used injection molding machine injection molding machine insulation cover. Used injection molding machine to install the insulation sleeve, injection molding manufacturers, what advantages do?

(1) helps to reduce the thermal convection, injection molding machine to reduce heat loss, thereby reducing the temperature of the working environment, to reduce the discomfort of staff, while those fitted with air injection molding manufacturers, then the air conditioning costs will be relatively reduction and cost savings.

(2) produced in the boot when the heating speed becomes faster, reduce the time to prepare the start of production is simple, there is no insulation cover, while heating, the outer surface side cooling, insulation cover is mainly possible to reduce heat loss. Reduce heat loss is power, but also improve production efficiency.

(3) at the manufacturer's production of which, heating insulation cover can make better stability, insulation kits complete package, the barrel and the insulation between the sets will produce heat storage, the temperature kept on the inside, is not lost. Therefore, heating can accelerate the speed.

Injection molding machine insulation cover:


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