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Injection molding machine lagging 12 major characteristics

Time:2013/7/16 22:35:59   From::本站   Editer:admin   

Injection molding machine insulation cotton perfect design, excellent thermal insulation properties, easy-to-use energy-saving products sells injection molding industry.

Injection molding machine lagging 12 major characteristics:

l have a non-stick, leak-proof plastic

l extend the service life of the heating coil

l use of environmentally friendly products, and the world with the development

l saving 20% -40%

l 6-8 months recover investment costs

l Surface temperature 45 ℃

l significantly reduce the room temperature

l save energy: reduce heat loss, recycling, saving about 35% electricity

l clean environment: closed design, filter dust, to avoid contamination.

l improve the thermal efficiency: energy concentration, speed drying.

l High temperature filter and air duct, loading and unloading easy.

l insulated jacket and hot air recycling and use, the better.

Injection molding machine insulation sleeve:

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