Desiccant dryer hood insulation

Sort: Energy-saving heat preservation cover for dryer
Update:2012-9-17 10:36:27
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Desiccant dryer insulation cover is Yiyuan effort to build competitive products, product market other products significantly higher than 12 big advantage. 
12 features: 
l have not sticky, leak-proof plastic 
l extend the service life of the heating coil 
l use of environmentally friendly products, and with the development of the world 
l saving 20% -60% 
l 6-8 months recovering investment costs 
l 50% reduction in the surface temperature 
l significantly reduce the room temperature 
l save energy: reduce heat loss, recycling, saving about 35% of electricity 
l clean environment: closed design, filter dust, to avoid contamination. 
l improve the thermal efficiency: energy concentration, speed up the drying speed. 
l filter and duct temperature, loading and unloading easy. 
l insulated jacket and hot air recycling and use, the better. 
Keywords: desiccant dryer insulation cover, dryer hood insulation, energy-saving insulation vacuum dryer hood insulation kits adsorption dryers, dryer energy saving insulation sleeve

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