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Energy saving more understanding and support needs of the community

Time:2014/3/12 21:51:22   From::本站   Editer:yybwz   

Over the years, government support and other aspects in the promotion of energy saving ideas more deeply, such as the recent PM2.5 standard hot social issues, but there are some specific issues in the public also needs to be more understanding of the problems, such as waste generation, although our domestic waste treatment technology in some projects do not actually worse than abroad, but after last year's highly touted social, amplified negative public sentiment, many local waste generation projects hampered local had continued to be "junk Fortress Besieged" effect, the ultimate victims or the public. 
Also, for example garbage problem, although the national authorities in the advocate, but we look around, do not enough garbage. Such questions illustrate the need for further efforts to increase the guide, call the people take practical action to support the participation of energy-saving environmental protection industry to move forward to a more healthy development. 
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