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Energy-saving insulation cover market with a bright future

Time:2014/3/4 17:02:45   From::本站   Editer:yybwz   

Abstract: With the related industries have been put forward and implement energy efficiency standards , energy saving insulation cover to get the healthy development of the industry . It is reported that China's current energy-saving insulation cover market share increased rapidly, approaching half of the future will increasingly be accepted and recognized by the market .

There are currently more than 90% belong to the high energy-consuming equipment in the plastics industry. In the high energy-consuming equipment , injection molding machine energy consumption accounted for nearly half. As industry analysts, key injection molding machine energy- saving heating zone . Therefore , the use of new energy-saving insulation barrel cover , and existing energy-saving injection molding machine is an objective requirement of China's energy situation is the inevitable trend of market development. Therefore, if we do not pay attention to energy saving design of industrial equipment , will directly increase our energy crisis.

The whole society to promote energy efficiency, ease the contradiction between energy constraints and environmental pressures , the National Development and Reform Commission issued a " special energy-saving and long-term planning ." This is since the reform and opening up, China has developed the first energy-saving and long-term planning. This year, affected by the policy promulgated by the state industrial energy efficiency , energy saving and environmental protection shrouds and injection molding machines use energy-saving insulation cover ratio is gradually improving . Under the policy of promoting industrial energy efficiency , energy insulation equipment, injection molding machine energy-saving insulation cover, airgel insulation cover , pipe insulation cover , dryer barrel insulation kits and a large number of new energy-saving products continue to emerge , new, and deeply . Vigorously develop energy-saving insulation equipment , whether it is economic or social benefits are enormous.

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