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Source billion will complete hundreds of energy-saving injection molding machines

Time:2014/3/12 22:27:25   From::本站   Editer:yybwz   

Recently , "100 injection molding machine energy-saving projects will be a company in Suzhou After nearly two weeks of alternating field testing before and after comparison of energy-saving , and finally change the look of our products company standards . Billion source to a hundred units of the company energy-saving injection molding machine , the average saving rate of 50% source billion should vigorously promote industrial energy consumption , to make innovation-driven , transformation and development this road , " subtraction problem" - . reduction of energy consumption and pollutant emissions , plus the size and level of development of energy-saving environmental protection industry.
Implement the state's Ministry of Industry, AQSIQ on the implementation of plans to improve the energy efficiency of motor notification " Source billion injection molding machine injection molding machine industry, the transformation of one hundred special action plan" recently single , 2015 , the city to transform one thousand injection molding machines, injection molding machine industry will strive to improve the energy efficiency level of 20% -40 %. After the transformation of the expected annual saving of 62.5 million , saving 30,000 tons of standard coal , carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced accordingly .
       Source billion injection molding machines to start one hundred renovation project already has weather, terrain, and the conditions , I believe will further promote the transformation and upgrading of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other areas , leaving the beautiful River City Guanghui , blue sky and white clouds .
Companies require all employees to work together to accelerate the completion of the transformation of the Company's injection molding machines , injection molding machines and incorporate energy saving performance evaluation , the relevant departments billion source company to ensure business faster and more convenient way to complete the task .
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