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2014 pairs of energy-saving products in the form of basic judgment

Time:2014/4/3 22:53:06   From::本站   Editer:yybwz   

Energy-saving environmental protection industry usher in rapid development period , accelerate the promotion and application of energy-saving products
Accelerate the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry , stimulating investment and consumption , the formation of a new economic growth point, promote industrial upgrading and transformation of development mode , promote energy conservation and livelihood improvement , has very important significance. To this end , the State Council issued "on accelerating the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry views " (the " Opinion" ) , propose to raise the overall level of energy-saving environmental protection industry by promoting the development of social capital investment to lead the construction of energy-saving environmental protection , promotion of energy saving products , energy saving environmental industry market competitiveness , and create a favorable market environment and policy measures to achieve an average annual growth rate of energy-saving environmental protection industry output value of more than 15 % of the target .
2014 , will accelerate the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry in promoting a series of policies and measures . First, for the implementation of the "opinions" , the relevant departments are working on major technical equipment and industrial products embodiment saving, environmental protection , resource recycling and other industries , and increase efforts to promote the use of energy saving products. Second, with the implementation of the State Council on strengthening the views of the internal combustion engine energy saving , energy-saving and green and launched special operations Ministry will also promote the upgrading of the internal combustion engine , motor and industrial boiler energy efficiency levels . Third , to enhance the level of emission reduction technology in key industries , organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to develop and publish the cement, steel , sulfuric acid and volatile organic compounds and other industry -related pollution control technology policy documents.
Injection molding machine energy-saving insulation sleeve :

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